Saturday, April 9, 2011


A couple weekends ago, Sophie and I went to Salzburg, Austria for the sole purpose of going on the Sound of Music tour. However, we both ended up LOVING Salzburg.

We arrived at our hostel in Salzburg before 9am on that Saturday, we weren't able to check in yet so we put our stuff in the luggage room, stole some of the free breakfast and planned out our day.

We decided to first walk around the city a little and see the Mozart statue and the Mozart chocolate shops. You wouldn't believe how much chocolate they have dedicated to is kind of strange, but delicious. We then proceeded to find Mozart's house. That was pretty interesting to walk through, minus the fact that there was an annoying school group taking over the entire thing. The kids kept giving Sophie and me strange looks for some reason.

After we walked through Mozart's house, we found a place to eat lunch. We both ordered some traditional Austrain Schnitzel and just sat and ate for a couple of hours. The Schnitzel was delicious by the way.

We had already booked our tickets for the Sound of Music Tour for 2pm so we decided to start walking in the direction of where we would get picked up for the tour. We were a little early so we walked around the shops some and sat in the park across the street because it was an absolutely wonderful day out!

The tour was actually quite nice! We were able to get off of the bus frequently to see the sites and the tour actually took us a little bit out of Salzburg and all around Salzburg so we were able to see a lot of the countryside and it was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! Check out my pictures on facebook if you don't believe me. At one of the stops a little outside of Salzburg we had about an hour to kind of wander around the small town, so Sophie and I had some Strudel, which of course was also delicious.

Once we got back to Salzburg, we checked into the hostel and went to the Augustiner Brewery for dinner. This brewery was really cool...we sat outside in the Beer Garden, which was huge! There were no servers here, you went up to get your own beer by paying for the size of the beer, grabbing your own stein, washing it yourself, and then handing it to someone to fill up for you. For food, there were different stands all over the restaraunt where you just walked up and ordered your food and paid for it right then. We each ate the best half of a chicken either of us have ever tasted...SO GOOD!

Here is where my trip takes a turn for the worse...we get back the dorm and my intention is to stay up for the UK Final Four game, so Sophie and I play around on the computer for about an hour or two. We then realize it is 2am and we both fell asleep on the couch, so we decided to go to bed. I set my ipod alarm for 2:45 since the game started at 3am Salzburg time. Since I would be waking up in the middle of the night, I didn't want to set my phone alarm because that would be loud and annoying and wake everyone up. So I had my ipod alarm set and ready, and my headphones in my ears. Next thing I knew, I woke up and it was 6 freaking 30 in the morning...COMPLETELY MISSED THE GAME! My alarm did not make noise when it went off for some reason, which completely defeats the purpose of an alarm. I immediately grabbed my computer and ran upstairs to see the outcome of the game...disappointing that we lost. Although, if we had won the game and I had missed it I would have been pissed!

I went back to bed after the terrible way I was woken up. We only really had time for breakfast on Sunday before we had to catch the bus back to the airport. It was a really fun trip, we were able to fit a lot into basically just one day of Salzburg. I would love to go back and even live there, it was just so pretty. No matter where you were in the city you could see the surrounding mountains and it was just perfect!

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